Sunday, October 24, 2010


Today was a still a bit rough and I really wanted to get out and have a fish around the islands so I ventured over to North Mole. It was a rough trip over in a 4 Mt tinny but coming home was nice and smooth. I got a few good hours fishing in but the fish were not wanting to play. I got a few Stripes, 2 under size Trout and a few little Red Emperor but not much else.

 I was over there for about 4 hours and there weren't many boats fishing. I started of at Hanna's Point first and then worked my way all the way back to the end of South Mole. It was a bit disappointing not catching anything worth while to write about even tho no one really reads my posts any way.

 I tried lots of different baits today from Squid, Pillies, Fusiliers and some slugs. On the way back to Shute I had a drift between South Mole and White rock and had a few hits but never hooked up on anything.

 I was in 40 meters of water hoping to catch the fish that showed up on the sounder. I think that they were Nannygai and they seemed to be sitting on a rough patch in the middle of nowhere I kept the GPS mark to try next time I go out. I would of stayed longer today and kept trying but i had other commitments to attend.

 Now if I didn't have to work this week I would be out the next 3 days, Its forecasted to be 10-15 till thursday with just showers inland. I finish at 12 on wednesday so I might get out for a few hours in the afternoon.

 On Saturday I spent a couple hours out on Peter Faust Dam I stayed around the spill way and caught 3 Barra but they were all under 50 cm but they still put up a good fight. I was using a med bubble pop and it produced the fish. I trolled a shallow diving Barra lure but had no luck with it. There were a few people fishing around the spill way as its protected. I saw one guy hook a nice Barra but lost it as it jumped right near his boat.

I put down a few Red Claw pots along the bank to the right of the boat ramp, When I came back about 2 hours later I had 18 in the two pots. I used Potato as bait as someone told me it was the best and I had never tried it before, and it worked like a charm. I just chopped it into chunks and put it in the trap. I ended letting the red claw go I was just trying out the Potato to see if it worked.

Well that was my weekend out and about, I hope you guys had better luck then I did and I hope this coming weekend the weather gods send us some nice days.
Until next time happy fishing

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