Friday, October 8, 2010


This my first post on a new blog and this one is going to be all about the best place on earth..... The Whitsunday's. Located in Queensland and on the Great Barrier Reef it is one of the most visited places in Australia  from over sea tourists to Australian residents. On the fishing side of things there a 74 Islands, rivers, sandy beaches and thousands of places to drop a line. One of my favorite places to fish is of the north tip of North Mole, a little place called Hanna's Point. The reason it is my favorite is because you can drop a line down to the bottom and catch reef fish, or float out live bait and pull in a mackerel. There have also be many reports of sail fish and marlin be caught from here as well.

 I only have a small tinnie 4 meters, so most of the time i am limited to the places that i can go with the weather. But on a good day i have been known to travel all the way to Edward Island, one of the last islands before the reef. Every thursday I will be updating my blog with the local fishing reports, And on mondays i will be reporting on my weekend fishing trips with photos and my personal detailed reports with gps marks. As well as that i will also be doing reviews on the tackle and gear i use. I will also add your experiences to share on my blog if you send your stories to my email (which i will post up soon). Also you could just leave a comment in the comment section below. I will also post weather reports for the upcoming weekend every thursday
Happy fishing all
Check back for reports

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