Sunday, October 17, 2010


Went out for a fish today, Even with the wind and swell. There were some big Trevally out around the sunk boat from Able Point, I got 3 that were over 40 cm. They were just taking squid. Then i got this big puffer. Also had a 20 min fight with a cat fish. He was like a train just didn't stop running. When I finally got him to the boat he was just over a meter. I picked him up with the gaff to get a photo and crapped sprayed out of him all over the boat and all over me, It stunk too. I let him go and the Trevally, Not really the fish I like to keep. The best fun was still to come.

 My girlfriend came out with me and she will only fish with a hand line, Which I hate especially when you hook a large fish. She just put a piece of squid on and started to drop it to the bottom. About 10 sec's after it hit the bottom the reel was pulled straight out of her hands and into the water, where it just spun. When I finally got it back into the boat the fish was still pulling and I decided to take over from There. I kept fighting this fish for about 10 mins and it was big, I expected a large shark. I got it close to the the boat but still could not see any colour, and then it took another run and ripped the hand line straight out of my hands. This time the hand line was about 20 Meters away, so up with the anchor and motored over and retrieved it.

Every time he saw the boat all he did was run. After about 20 mins of getting him to the boat and him running again I got him up. It was the biggest Shovel Nose Ray I have ever seen. He was at least 2 meters long nearly half the size of the boat. I didn't want to bring him aboard and hurt him so I tried to take a photo of him beside the boat but as I was taking the photo he trashed around and broke the line (sorry it's not a good photo).
Now that was a fight and a half, But well worth it.

I flicked some lures around the rock wall and then went home. I was only out for a couple of hours and it was more fun then what I have had on some nice days out around the islands. Just shows that there can be some good fishing in close when the weather is bad. I hope we start to get some 5-10 knots weekends so I can get back out around the islands across the passage, I think I am starting to have withdrawals or maybe i just need a bigger boat.

I will start taking better photo's when I get a new camera, these photo's were taken with a iphone.
Happy fishing all


  1. sounds like you had a good day
    well done getting that shovely in on a hand line
    i should of went out but drank beer insteed
    maybe next weekend
    i will send some photos in if i get something good

  2. Yea it was good just to get out of the house. Cant wait for better weather tho. Will be good to see some photos of your catch
    Have a good one mate
