Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This weeks been wet and windy so not much fishing has been done. This weekend is not looking much better. Sunday might see some sunshine start to shine through the clouds. Saturday will be sw/se 20/25 knots easing to 15/20 at night with the rain clearing. And sunday will be 15/20 knots. I didn't get many reports over the passed week with not many people braving the conditions out on the water. Some reports of long fin tuna out around Low Rock and could be seen with a large amount of birds hanging around. There were a few reports of Barra being hooked at the dam, but it was very slow and the winds deterred a lot of people, also the cooler weather sent them back into hiding. There were a few reports of small Coral Trout being hooked around the island but not many people went out. I never got any reports of anyone venturing out to the Reef, There was a 4 meter swell in open water for most of the week. The rock walls have been producing small Trevally in the early mornings on live bait. I was also told that there were some Salmon be caught just outside of the Able Point Marina. Hopefully the weather will give us a break over the next few weeks so i can get a chance to get out and about, But with a La Nina dominating the weather it should stay very wet for the rest of spring and for most of summer with well above rainfalls to be recored. If you have any reports to share and photos of your catches please email them to and i will put them up so you can share, and brag your catches. I will also start a catch of the week photo section.
Happy fishing

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